
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Falling off the beauty bandwagon

Updating this blog used to be my most favorite activity. Everywhere I went, I thought, 'how can I write about this on my blog?'. But the last year has been a whirlwind of not-so-great activities for me. One of which is my health. I've talked about having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on here before, but I don't think I've delved into just how much it's affected my life. To look good is to feel good for sure and I haven't been involved in any of the former in quite a while.

Well, it's time to revive my spirits, my self-confidence and this blog. Here's a list of things I try to do to boost up my self-lovin';
  • Wear my favorite colors.
  • Go on a Bollywood movie/song rampage.
  • Try on all the outfits I know I look good in.
  • Pamper myself with a mani-pedi, facial, haircut, new haircolor, etc!
  • Engage in my favorite physical activity (no, not s-e-x; dancing!).
What do the rest of you to feel good?

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